CMUA Corrects False Accusations about POUs
Wednesday, March 6, 2019
by: Matt Williams, CMUA

Section: CMUA News

In a recent regulatory proceeding at the CPUC, CMUA corrected inaccuracies and misstatements about POU operations as conversations continue about the future of PG&E.

CMUA submitted written comments to the California Public Utilities Commission that correct statements that PG&E and the Coalition of California Utility Employees (CUE) made about POUs within the PG&E Safety Order Instituting Investigation (OII).

In summary, the CMUA comments discuss how:
  • Customers of community-owned utilities benefit from lower electric rates.
  • California’s community owned utilities enjoy the benefit of a skilled and dedicated workforce.
  • California’s community-owned utilities are subject to many state energy and environmental regulations.
  • California’s community-owned utilities are advancing the goals to provide greater renewables, reducing greenhouse gases and improving reliability.
POUs have a strong record of safety and reliably providing power to their customers. California’s community-owned utilities do not need a profit incentive to promote safety, as PG&E claims. Providing safe, reliable, affordable and sustainable electric service is their mission, CMUA wrote in the comments, which were submitted Feb. 28.

CMUA members may view the full written comments online at the CPUC website.