Senate Majority Leader Robert Hertzberg to Speak at CMUA Capitol Day
Wednesday, January 9, 2019
by: Matt Williams

Section: CMUA News

State Senate Majority Leader Robert Hertzberg is scheduled to speak at CMUA Capitol Day on Feb. 4 in Sacramento.

Hertzberg (D-Van Nuys) has worked for more than 40 years in the water and energy world -- both in the public arena and the private sector -- and he has been directly involved in many of California's pivotal moments. Hertzberg was Assembly speaker in 2000-01 during the state's energy crisis, and he played an integral role in passing legislation last year that creates long-term water use efficiency standards for California.

In 2018, Hertzberg was chair the Senate Committee on Natural Resources and Water and a member of the Senate Standing Committee on Energy, Utilities and Communications. Hertzberg also is an entrepreneur who has invested in solar energy startups andd other renewable technology ventures. He started his first solar company in 1984.

“We have an ability today, through the integration of technologies, to fundamentally change the game, to dramatically reduce GHGs on the one hand, and on the other hand create jobs in California from all this new technology,” Hertzberg said. “It’s exciting. But it also requires extraordinary attention to detail to figure out the unexciting part of this policy.”

Hear more from Hertzberg at Capitol Day. CMUA members can register online for this event at