Start Date: 4/7/2024 7:00 AM PDT
End Date: 4/9/2024 3:00 PM PDT
Venue Name: Monterey Marriott
350 Calle Principal
Monterey, CA United States 93940
Organization Name:
- Member $1,150
- Associate Partner $1,150
- Non-Member $1,450
- Guest (spouse/significant other) $375
General Registration (March 8 - March 29)
- Member $1,350
- Associate Partner $1,350
- Non-Member $1,650
- Guest (spouse/significant other) $390
Late & Onsite Registration (after March 29)
- Member $1,450
- Associate Partner $1,450
- Non-Member $1,750
- Guest (spouse/significant other) $400
CMUA Walley Duncan Annual Golf Tournament - Sunday, April 7th
Pacific Grove Golf Links - 9 am tee time
Visit the conference website for information on golf tournament registration and sponsorship!
See you in Monterey!