Events & Services

CMUA brings members together to share information, ideas and best practices.

CMUA connects members in many ways, both in-person and digitally. We bring people together at conferences and events, meetings and workshops, and in online platforms.


CMUA’s Annual Conference brings officials from POUs and water agencies together with government and industry policymakers, representatives of scientific, environmental, technological and economic interests to share information and views.


CMUA’s annual Capitol Day brings POUs and water agencies to Sacramento to advocate for members’ legislative priorities. CMUA members are briefed on important issues impacting their communities and meet with their communities.


At the Customer Engagement Summit, members learn from one another and interact with industry experts and peers, focusing on providing high-level service while controlling costs, maintaining infrastructure and innovating with new programs.


Webinars, workshops and in-person training are available to CMUA members.


The CMUA Community Service/Resource Efficiency Awards are presented annually in recognition of CMUA members’ originality and creativity in energy and water resources efficiency, and consumer and community benefits. The CMUA Legislative and Regulatory Leadership Awards are given to members of the California Legislature and state agencies that champion the advancement of the CMUA-member policy agenda and legislative priorities.


Through our participation in other local, state and national energy and water organizations, CMUA builds effective coalitions by bringing likeminded stakeholders together to achieve shared goals.